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Ways That Having PTSD As A Result Of An Accident May Affect Future Driving Outings

Being in a car accident can leave not only physical wounds, but also those of a psychological nature. While many physical wounds can heal over time with the right medical care and rehabilitation, psychological wounds can be more difficult to overcome. If you've been in a serious car accident, these wounds may be a reality for you — and in some cases, you may have even been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of the accident. When you hire an attorney and start building a case against the other motorist, your car accident attorney will want to know how your PTSD has affected you and how you drive. Here are some scenarios that you may be facing.

Fear Of Driving

Many people who have been through serious car accidents develop a fear of driving that their mental health professional may be able to link to the PTSD. When you're too afraid to get behind the wheel, your attorney will argue the multitude of ways that this is affecting your life. For example, the biggest issue that you'll likely be facing is a lack of independence. Whereas you were free to travel where you wanted with ease before the accident, you may now need to take public transit or have family members drive you. The right car accident attorney can build the emotional distress element of your case based on this issue.

Fear Of Being Alone

A common trait that people with PTSD experience is a fear of being alone, and this can be something that you may deal with after your car accident. For example, in a hit-and-run scenario, you may end up stranded on the side of the road with a vehicle that cannot drive and perhaps no one around to help you. You may feel an extreme sense of panic, and this may be a feeling that returns to you regularly after your accident. Your fear of being alone can be disruptive in your life in a variety of ways.

Fear Of Being Victimized

It's easy to feel like a victim when you're hurt in a car accident, especially if you were minding your own business and the negligence of someone else resulted in your car being damaged and you being left with physical and psychological pain. The feeling of being victimized by someone else can be present with you throughout life, and you may develop a mindset that everyone is out to get you to some degree. This is another PTSD-related feeling that can be highly disruptive but is important to explain to your attorney so that they can advocate on your behalf.