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How To Protect Your Personal Injury Case After A Car Accident

After a car accident, you may not realize the extent of your injuries for a few days. While you may be all right enough to drive away from a scene, the pain and stiffness of whiplash and other soft tissue injuries can take days to settle in. If you are injured, see your primary care physician as soon as possible. Contact your insurance company if you are going to have medical bills, and provide your insurance company with the information of the driver who was at fault. When you aren't sure of the treatment you will need and you want to protect the potential of a personal injury case, start by getting medical care and report it to your insurance.

Gathering Your Information

If the police responded to the scene of the accident, make sure that you get a copy of the accident report. You want to make sure that you are less than 50% at fault for the accident; otherwise, you are not able to receive compensation for your injuries. When you are more at fault than the other driver, you are responsible for your own injuries. Get the police report. Take pictures of the scene if you can. Take pictures of the damage to your vehicle and of any obvious injuries you have.

Follow Through With Treatment Recommendations

When you first go for medical care, you may receive referrals for care to specialists regarding your injuries. If this is the case, follow through with all recommended treatment and further diagnostics. While you still may not be sure that you have serious injuries, your condition may get worse without treatment. When you listen to your treatment providers, it is apparent that you are serious about your injuries and want to heal.

Consistently Document Everything

When you have the chance, write down what happened to cause the accident. Each day, write down how you are feeling and whether you had any medical treatment. Pay attention to your symptoms and take the time to write everything down so that you have a clear record of whether you are improving or whether your symptoms are becoming more bothersome.

Your injuries from a car accident may not be obvious right away. Get medical treatment after the accident, and follow through with any further diagnostic testing to check on your injuries. Document how you are feeling each day, and contact a car accident attorney if you find that your symptoms are not improving or getting worse over time.