Choosing To Talk With A Lawyer

3 Things You Should Not Do After Being Injured In A Car Accident

Being involved in an auto accident is always unexpected, so it is not surprising that people do not know what to do both at the scene of the accident as well as in the weeks and months following the crash. When you're in an auto accident that you did not cause, and the other driver is found liable, their insurance company is responsible for providing a settlement that covers the cost of medical bills, repairing or replacing your vehicle, lost wages, and in some cases, pain and suffering. However, you should not expect to simply fill out a claim and be awarded the settlement that you deserve. If you are involved in a car accident that was not your fault, avoid doing the following things.

Speaking With the Insurance Company

A huge mistake that many people make is assuming that the insurance company of the driver liable for the accident wants to help. In general, insurance companies want to pay out the smallest amount possible for all claims. After you're involved in a car accident that was not your fault, it is never in your best interest to speak with the other driver's insurance company. Doing so may lead to your statements being turned around, and it is possible that what you say can be used against you.

Not Hiring an Attorney

It is not uncommon for people to avoid hiring an attorney after a car accident because they assume that they can't afford one. In reality, an auto accident injury attorney will not cost you any money out of your own bank account. Almost all auto accident injury attorneys work on contingency; this means that they will receive a portion of the money that you receive from the other driver's insurance company. A reputable and experienced auto accident attorney will work hard on your behalf to secure a fair settlement, and since it won't cost you any money, there is no reason not to hire an attorney to represent you.

Failure to Continue Medical Treatment

If you are injured in a car accident that you are not liable for, it is extremely important to keep up with your medical treatment until you are completely healed. Some people stop seeing their doctor because of the fear of receiving big medical bills—this is a big error. When you're being treated for a car accident injury, you must continue seeing your doctor and following the treatment plan subscribed. Doing so is important for your recovery and your case.