Choosing To Talk With A Lawyer

Texting And Emailing While Driving Is Still Very Common And Highly Dangerous

Inattentive driving is one of the most dangerous types of driving. Unfortunately, distracted driving is prevalent. If you had an accident with a distracted driver, the decision to drive while distracted might lead to severe injuries such as a head injury. You might find yourself permanently disabled and need financial assistance for a long time.

Emailing and Texting While Driving are Very Common

Many motorists admit to having sent a text or email while operating a vehicle. Drivers often believe they will not get caught while texting and driving. They might also think they can send the text quickly before returning their attention to the road. Unfortunately, all it takes is a brief text for a driver to be distracted long enough to cause a severe accident. 

Take Your Injuries Very Seriously

The force of an auto accident can cause severe head trauma. You might smack your head against the dashboard and have a headache afterward. However, you shouldn't ignore the headache because it can indicate a more serious medical problem.

A Headache Can Be a Sign of a More Serious Problem

Headaches caused by a car accident can indicate brain swelling, bleeding, or severe medical problems requiring immediate attention. 

You might feel fine after the accident, but your fight or flight response has kicked in. Once the adrenaline is gone, you may experience the full effects of your head injury. 

Talk to an Auto Accident Attorney

Once you have received medical treatment, it's time to speak with an auto accident attorney about your case. The driver might have been distracted during the accident, which could allow you to prove negligence.

Negligence and Your Auto Accident Case

To win an auto accident case, you must prove negligence. The other driver needs to have been reckless when operating the motor vehicle.

In a case involving a distracted driver, you must show that they were distracted to prove that they were negligent. There might have been an eyewitness who saw the driver using a mobile device, or surveillance footage might have caught the driver operating the vehicle while distracted. Still, the most valuable evidence will come from the expert witness.

Why an Expert Witness is Important in a Distracted Driving Case

Your attorney may work for a law firm that has several expert witnesses working for it. These professionals can prove negligence from evidence found at the accident scene. For example, an expert witness might be able to secure cell phone records and use them to verify that the cell phone was sending texts. Then, you can use this evidence to seek a settlement.